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Historic Active and Closed Sales


Active Listings (inventory) CLOSED SALES


Oct-12 11,542 1,345

Oct-13 10,284 1,349

Oct-14 11,192 1,564

Oct-15 10,799 1,566

Oct-16 6,986 1,377

Oct-17 6,402 1,318

Oct-18 7,062 1,401

Oct-19 6,666 1,431

Oct-20 4,849 1,766

Oct-21 3,466 1,474

Oct-22 4,548 1,021

Historic Count of Active Listings Edit

Month Active Sales, Sale Price, Sale Price , Inventory Days to Sell,

Median Average Median

Jan-12 10,258 1,021 $175,000 $236,390 10 52

Feb-12 10,585 997 $175,000 $243,472 11 47

Mar-12 10,674 1,319 $188,400 $266,498 8 46

Apr-12 11,063 1,313 $200,000 $276,562 8 46

May-12 11,208 1,388 $205,000 $279,001 8 42

Jun-12 11,078 1,482 $210,000 $280,955 7 39

Jul-12 11,117 1,448 $210,000 $267,564 8 42

Aug-12 11,092 1,542 $210,000 $272,273 7 36

Sep-12 11,146 1,177 $200,000 $255,285 9 42

Oct-12 11,542 1,345 $208,000 $251,680 9 41

Nov-12 11,287 1,379 $205,000 $281,019 8 38

Dec-12 10,504 1,438 $223,000 $283,764 7 37

Jan-13 10,706 1,164 $216,500 $266,053 9 49

Feb-13 10,963 1,087 $220,000 $300,912 10 37

Mar-13 10,663 1,355 $230,000 $288,898 8 31

Apr-13 10,780 1,497 $245,000 $309,439 7 35

May-13 10,713 1,614 $250,000 $337,075 7 31

Jun-13 10,385 1,516 $257,000 $338,762 7 29

Jul-13 10,379 1,617 $270,000 $328,609 6 26

Aug-13 10,090 1,554 $267,750 $331,189 6 31

Sep-13 10,253 1,333 $260,000 $320,161 8 28

Oct-13 10,284 1,349 $265,000 $320,265 8 33

Nov-13 10,233 1,194 $265,000 $331,581 9 31

Dec-13 9,716 1,429 $264,000 $331,882 7 31

Jan-14 10,140 1,129 $253,900 $326,398 9 39

Feb-14 10,586 1,133 $248,000 $327,595 9 41

Mar-14 10,733 1,335 $260,500 $323,010 8 38

Apr-14 10,757 1,477 $265,250 $334,766 7 36

May-14 10,353 1,563 $266,000 $371,788 7 34

Jun-14 10,725 1,587 $279,900 $356,265 7 38

Jul-14 10,907 1,676 $276,000 $340,103 7 37

Aug-14 10,854 1,471 $282,000 $334,055 7 36

Sep-14 11,130 1,456 $265,000 $320,871 8 38

Oct-14 11,192 1,564 $269,000 $333,850 7 44

Nov-14 11,118 1,176 $265,000 $322,409 9 44

Dec-14 10,675 1,574 $279,000 $355,987 7 41

Jan-15 11,025 1,115 $257,250 $328,916 10 49

Feb-15 11,432 1,181 $273,950 $339,624 10 51

Mar-15 11,878 1,580 $280,000 $352,394 8 45

Apr-15 11,919 1,646 $279,150 $348,678 7 39

May-15 11,715 1,683 $285,000 $357,841 7 39

Jun-15 11,708 1,941 $300,000 $353,768 6 35

Jul-15 11,472 1,898 $308,000 $371,086 6 39

Aug-15 11,224 1,698 $300,000 $346,710 7 38

Sep-15 11,100 1,616 $285,000 $333,141 7 36

Oct-15 10,799 1,566 $290,000 $359,726 7 48

Nov-15 10,857 1,323 $289,900 $365,005 8 62

Dec-15 9,933 1,670 $300,000 $380,868 6 58

Jan-16 10,082 1,169 $280,000 $353,288 9 64

Feb-16 10,578 1,309 $290,000 $370,437 8 60

Mar-16 10,620 1,615 $290,000 $365,575 7 38

Apr-16 10,284 1,662 $300,000 $364,473 6 33

May-16 10,196 1,836 $308,500 $377,849 6 31

Jun-16 9,711 1,996 $325,000 $374,775 5 30

Jul-16 9,097 1,691 $315,000 $380,340 5 27

Aug-16 8,581 1,830 $320,000 $375,748 5 27

Sep-16 7,711 1,637 $319,000 $369,768 5 28

Oct-16 6,986 1,377 $320,000 $392,892 5 30

Nov-16 6,897 1,378 $315,000 $382,072 5 33

Dec-16 6,404 1,552 $314,950 $388,348 4 33

Jan-17 6,811 1,082 $305,000 $375,032 6 36

Feb-17 7,094 1,088 $300,000 $387,549 7 39

Mar-17 7,107 1,631 $329,000 $427,232 4 31

Apr-17 6,964 1,519 $324,052 $387,121 5 31

May-17 7,117 1,696 $330,750 $402,263 4 29

Jun-17 6,972 1,831 $352,750 $420,091 4 31

Jul-17 6,867 1,617 $347,175 $420,766 4 30

Aug-17 6,671 1,763 $342,000 $429,597 4 30

Sep-17 6,313 1,088 $354,500 $419,559 6 31

Oct-17 6,402 1,318 $332,000 $409,801 5 35

Nov-17 6,391 1,214 $346,500 $419,484 5 40

Dec-17 5,895 1,438 $334,950 $432,788 4 35

Jan-18 6,301 1,073 $340,000 $442,535 6 39

Feb-18 6,586 1,107 $330,000 $428,014 6 34

Mar-18 6,593 1,558 $349,900 $424,187 4 33

Apr-18 6,804 1,504 $350,000 $432,859 5 29

May-18 6,863 1,633 $352,000 $448,389 4 30

Jun-18 6,783 1,781 $366,000 $458,060 4 27

Jul-18 6,908 1,572 $357,750 $433,241 4 31

Aug-18 6,876 1,662 $355,000 $439,960 4 29

Sep-18 6,791 1,240 $350,000 $423,326 5 31

Oct-18 7,062 1,401 $355,000 $439,304 5 35

Nov-18 7,196 1,262 $355,000 $433,582 6 34

Dec-18 6,845 1,236 $346,250 $434,464 6 36

Jan-19 7,246 956 $350,000 $444,911 8 50

Feb-19 7,482 1,021 $349,000 $441,446 7 44

Mar-19 7,441 1,444 $360,000 $438,346 5 41

Apr-19 7,541 1,666 $355,000 $449,098 5 35

May-19 7,360 1,777 $365,000 $461,587 4 34

Jun-19 7,146 1,591 $365,000 $461,459 4 33

Jul-19 7,051 1,749 $375,000 $461,297 4 33

Aug-19 6,671 1,559 $365,000 $443,490 4 34

Sep-19 6,668 1,315 $365,000 $429,738 5 35

Oct-19 6,666 1,431 $360,000 $450,885 5 38

Nov-19 6,447 1,263 $375,000 $451,517 5 36

Dec-19 6,042 1,421 $377,000 $485,796 4 36

Jan-20 6,323 1,043 $370,000 $485,779 6 40

Feb-20 6,329 1,088 $376,000 $527,958 6 44

Mar-20 6,333 1,473 $384,000 $489,381 4 34

Apr-20 6,167 1,051 $380,000 $472,744 6 29

May-20 6,018 866 $370,000 $467,199 7 31

Jun-20 5,823 1,391 $388,500 $490,271 4 37

Jul-20 5,450 1,821 $400,000 $502,069 3 30

Aug-20 5,217 1,784 $412,500 $518,776 3 23

Sep-20 5,004 1,633 $420,000 $556,614 3 20

Oct-20 4,849 1,766 $410,000 $542,209 3 20

Nov-20 4,671 1,562 $420,000 $552,205 3 19

Dec-20 4,169 1,795 $424,500 $580,520 2 18

Jan-21 4,020 1,267 $415,000 $545,156 3 21

Feb-21 3,866 1,336 $430,000 $621,791 3 20

Mar-21 3,763 2,011 $444,000 $648,990 2 15

Apr-21 3,622 1,887 $459,900 $676,555 2 13

May-21 3,578 1,717 $460,000 $646,429 2 11

Jun-21 3,812 1,929 $485,000 $700,372 2 10

Jul-21 3,792 1,775 $490,000 $660,910 2 11

Aug-21 3,823 1,710 $490,000 $673,983 2 11

Sep-21 3,710 1,576 $485,000 $652,516 2 13

Oct-21 3,466 1,474 $480,400 $647,176 2 15

Nov-21 3,298 1,440 $482,000 $701,261 2 15

Dec-21 2,772 1,634 $496,000 $667,996 2 14

Jan-22 2,720 1,175 $499,000 $739,370 2 16

Feb-22 2,927 1,282 $513,000 $719,976 2 14

Mar-22 2,842 1,621 $540,000 $792,089 2 10

Apr-22 2,845 1,592 $550,000 $764,822 2 10

May-22 3,300 1,518 $577,000 $809,725 2 10

Jun-22 3,876 1,509 $585,000 $815,331 3 11

Jul-22 4,190 1,263 $595,000 $779,188 3 12

Aug-22 4,371 1,232 $560,000 $742,146 4 17

Sep-22 4,396 1,078 $556,500 $717,452 4 21

Oct-22 4,548 1,021 $540,000 $696,652 4 26

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Time frame is from Jan 2012 to Oct 2022

Property Type is 'Single Family'

County is 'Broward County'

Results calculated from approximately 280,000 listings


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