Hollywood,FL For sale
July 22, 2023
MLS update,
These numbers change daily.
East of US1
120 Houses for sale See them all Here.
Cheapest:$499K- Most Expensive:$9Mil
Median ASKING Price for a 3/2 $959,142.41
Median CLOSED Price: $799K in the last 6 months
WEST of US1 To I 95
21 houses for Sale
Cheapest: $380K - Most expensive: $1.8mil
Median Asking Price for a 3/2 $599K
Median CLOSED Price: $438,465 in the last 6 mos
Cheapest: $380K - Most expensive: $1.8mil
Median Asking Price for a 3/2 $599K
Median CLOSED Price: $438,465 in the last 6 mos
Hollywood Hills
75 Houses for Sale
Cheapest: $ 375K Most Expensive : $ 1.9Mil
Median Asking Price: $750K for a 3/2
Median Closed Price:$ 599K in the last 6 months
West Hollywood
43 Houses for sale
Cheapest: $325K Most Expensive: $ 899K
Median Asking Price: $515K for a 3/2
Median Closed Price:$ 499K in the last 6 months
Up to $300K HERE
Maintenance $350.00 per month and up
From 300K to $500K HERE
Maintenance fee $ 500.00 per month and up
From $501K to 1 Mil HERE
Maintenance fee $700.00 and up
Above 1Mil HERE
Maintenance fee $ 900.00 per month and up
298 HOUSES FOR RENT Median Asking $4,500
498 CONDOS FOR RENT Median Asking $3,100
We can focus on the past or we can focus on the future but let's not forget WHAT IS now.
The market is unbias. Historically there have been ups and downs in sales and rents. For the last 200 years since Real Estate have existed.
The fact that we try to foresee what is going to happen with the inventory and the prices or that we compare last year or last month to this year or this month does not deny the fact that closings are happening every day regardless of the market and real estate tends to go up.
Inventory is still low, and probably prices will go down a little during the Fall. (that usually happens every year during around the same time, like with seasons)
The question one needs to ask is, do I HAVE to sell or do I HAVE to buy?
Because if you have to, you wil.
You can be part of the whatever percentage of the transactions that are still happening compared to last year/ last month or last week.
Also, always remember, realtors are not the only source of property.
There are new constructions, auctions, and for For Sale by Owners.
If you visit the BROWARD COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER WEBSITE Sales, you will see many transactions recorded privately, not listed on the MLS, yet they were sold.
In regards of rentals there are FOR RENT BY OWNER signs and you can also go directly to rental communities.
These numbers change Daily.
If you are curious about the most important market, the market that is happening on your block, call me.
I will happy to help.
📨Email: cecilarosa1@gmail.com
📅Schedule a Zoom Call So We Can Meet "In Person":
📱Call or Text: ‪754-273-0265
Mortgage Loan application today
🔗Get All Your Utilities Connected At Once When You Move!
Broward for sale: https://www.compass.com/homes-for-sale/broward-county-fl/
Schools https://www.browardschools.com/Page/36340
More About Broward: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broward_County,_Florida
Census Data: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/browardcountyflorida
Neighborhood data: https://www.niche.com
South Florida Compass Guide: https://www.compass.com/neighborhood-guides/miami/
Cecilia La Rosa, Broward, Real Estate Agent | FL Real Estate License: 3100393
#Broward #Fl #Houses in South Florida #RealEstateinFL