Sunrise, FL Market Update July 28, 2023
July 28, 2023
I see 46 Houses for sale in Sunrise,FL.
The cheapest one is 2bedrooms 1 bathroom listed at $350K
The most expensive one has 5bedrooms 3 bathrooms listed at $969K
The median asking price is $539K
The median Sold price
On Average: for the last 6 months Sunrise had 45 houses CLOSED. That means that Sunrise has 1 month of supply for houses.
If you are selling or buying this information might be useful when preparing your listing or offer.
I See 230 Condos for sale in Sunrise FL
The cheapest on is listed at $80,000 is in an HOPA: Housing for older People : You have to be 55 years old to live there.
The most expensive on is a Penthouse in Metropica listed for $1,550.000... listed in 10 2022.
The median listing for a condo in Sunrise is $180,000
The Average listing for a condo in Sunrise is $262,000 for a 2bedrooms 2 bathroom.
On Average: for the last 6 months Sunrise had 57 condos CLOSED. That means that Sunrise has 4 month of supply for condos.
If you are selling or buying a condo this information might be useful when preparing your listing or offer.
Condos and Houses for Rent:
I see 190 Properties for rent: Houses and condos.
From $1,300 to $6,000
See them all below.