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Selling a House in Broward, FL? What are the chances?

Did you know that Broward county is the second largest County in population in the state of Florida?

According to the Florida Demographics website in regards of populations, Broward is second largest after Miami Dade county based on 2021 data.

How many other sellers are listed for sell in the County?

I check the MLS daily to keep track of the number of available houses for sale.

Over the past five months, the inventory of houses for the entire county has consistently been around 3,000+ active listings.

However, in recent weeks, the inventory has decreased to around 2,700.

It's interesting to note "that back in the day", Broward County used to have three times the inventory compared to today.

As always , the most important maket is the one happening on your block.

If you're curious about the relationship between asking price and selling price, be sure to check out my "Pricing Strategy" video.

For more details, feel free to give me a call - I'm happy to help!

Data : MLS numbers change Daily.

Latest US Census 2021.

www.BCPA.NET Broward County Propery Appraiser Website


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